How to Care for Your Mother of Poppies Jewelry

Here are some of my general suggestions for caring for jewelry. 

I recommend storing all jewelry (costume and fine) in a jewelry box to avoid exposure to air and dust to prevent premature tarnishing. 

I recommend wearing your pearls! I believe a pearl’s luster looks better after being worn. I’ve noticed that after handling and stringing a strand of pearls they already start to look more lustrous. Further, be careful when storing pearls alongside other jewelry pieces as they can be chipped or scratched.

Avoid getting hand-knotted necklaces wet. Also, store them flat, not hanging. All the hand-knotted necklaces I make are made with silk cord which can stretch.

Further, I advise not swimming in jewelry. In addition to the possibility of losing precious pieces in the water, I believe exposure to chlorine and other chemicals could damage the metals and pearls. Also avoid contact with household chemicals or perfumes. 

I sincerely want you to enjoy your jewelry. Reach out via email if you have any questions or issues!